In this third installment, "Sisterhood Above All," we begin with a shellshocked Valya exiting the palace gates on Salusa ...
Dune: Prophecy has dropped its third episode. It showcased numerous twists and turns from the fate of Orry Atreides and ...
It's an overwhelming sequence, both for Lila and the audience, and it captures the do-or-die panic of the Agony in a much ...
The following review contains spoilers for the third episode of Dune Prophecy, “Sisterhood Above All” ...
Production designer Tom Meyer tells IndieWire about the lore that went into designing the Bene Gesserit base on Wallach IX — ...
Prophecy ended with an explosive reveal: Emperor Corrino taking the side of his soldier Desmond Hart over Mother Superior ...
After Episode 1's fatal ending, characters throughout the universe scramble to process their grief and take action against an ...
Valya has shown that she is clearly willing to sacrifice whatever, and whomever, it takes to accomplish her goal.