President-elect Donald Trump has for the second time joined an exclusive club in the company of global figures and leaders – ...
These pejoratives condemn former German Christian Democratic Union Chancellor Angela Merkel’s overweight 700-page memoir as ...
In 1963, Russia became the second European superpower to recognise the sovereignty and independence of Kenya after Germany.
Schlossberg, the grandson of former president John F. Kennedy, insinuated his cousin had ties to Moscow in social media posts ...
Nothing caught global attention and heightened tensions as did the Cuban Missile Crisis. The new young President John F.
Writing Across the Divide ...
Traditional ideals of gender roles hark back to a time of extreme American nationalist sentiment in the face of a significant ...
"Time" has chosen the most influential person of the year, whether that is a person who did good or bad, since 1927.
The so-called bomber gap became a source of intense debate and a political burden for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, ...
In 1959, at the opening of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, in front of a model American kitchen full of ...