The combination of the animated sequel, the history-making 'Wicked' and 'Gladiator II' is delivering an unparalleled ...
Friday November 29 will prove historic as Wicked, Moana 2 and Gladiator II teamed up to deliver a nine-figure Black Friday.
The Thanksgiving stretch is delivering an unprecedented and estimated $422M at the domestic box office. AMC Theatres CEO Adam ...
The Thanksgiving weekend blockbusters Moana 2, Wicked, and Gladiator II break a huge collection of major records at the ...
The theatrical experience isn’t dead yet! Three new releases have combined to lift the box office to its best Black Friday in ...
Moana 2' led Black Friday at the box office, with 'Gladiator II' and 'Wicked' continuing to score strong grosses over ...
Movie fans are expected to flock to ‘Wicked,’ ‘Gladiator II’ and ‘Moana 2’ – aka ‘MoGlicked’ or ‘Glickedana’ – this weekend ...
While it won’t quite hit the box office heights of “Barbenheimer,” the one-two punch of “Wicked” and “Gladiator II” showcases ...
Moana 2,' Disney's sequel to the beloved original film, is expected to break Thanksgiving weekend box office records with as ...
Less than a week into its theatrical run, the blockbuster musical Wicked has passed a major new global box office milestone.
Everyone is wondering if “Glicked,” the potentially record-breaking, industry-lifting pre-Thanksgiving combination ...
The theaters were busy with kids off from school and families enjoying a popular box office. For some, it's about mixing up ...